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Bavli - Tel Aviv

Posted by Esti Arnon on 09/03/2017

Bavli neighborhood Is an upscale neighborhood of north Tel Aviv - a neighborhood named after the Babylonian Talmud, Which has a long Jewish history, And a high quality of life (socio-economic index by site Madeleine: 9 of 10), Nearby one residential desirable cities in the country and around the world, But just provides to enjoy the peace and quiet, Quality people and community services. About Bavli neighborhood Tel Aviv - Here.

Bavli neighborhood - Data and History

Bavli neighborhood displaced on a hill in the northern part of the city of Tel Aviv, Nearby at the confluence of the River Yarkon and Ayalon River. This is a relatively quiet neighborhood, with peaceful life, Located just ten minutes drive from the bustling Tel Aviv. Bavli neighborhood began his named Givat Amal B., With the establishment of Jewish refugees during the War of Independence in the region, After an Arab village abandoned area. In 1957, Began to build dozens of housing units, Especially popular housing, Region. In 1965 "Discovered" the area in various construction companies and chose to build it, Because of cheap land prices. Finishing projects with extremely high levels (relative to), And improvement of access roads and local services - have made the region more attractive. Continued, Established neighborhood community center with cinema "palm" mythological, And at the beginning of the decade were built luxury buildings in the area which helped to continue the process of positioning the exclusive neighborhood as a neighborhood for the middle class - higher.

currently, Neighborhood structures are varied, Many different. You can find in neighborhood Anemone Hill, Or "Tel Khashash" - a national park covering over 13 Acres, Findings and graves containing many different periods in history, Starting from the Hellenistic period. Around, "My Train" four-story, And high-rise buildings and modern. In the southern part of the neighborhood planned to build residential towers of forty floors.

Social indicators and quality of Babylonian housing community

Here are some statistics on the Bavli neighborhood:

· 50% Residents were college graduates, Bachelor's degree or higher

· 40% Israeli residents were born in Israel

· 3% Residents were immigrants, The rest veterans

· 66% Neighborhood residents who live in an apartment owned

Sites and locations within the Bavli neighborhood and its surroundings

Bavli neighborhood is a neighborhood located relatively high, And observation zones can clearly see the two streams environs and their encounter. Nearby neighborhood park can be found in the Yarkon River, And the sports club "Palm Country Club". Neighborhood Schools, Municipal parks and private gardens, Medical centers and health clinics, Scouts troop, And more.

Babylonian housing estate pricelist

Average apartment price Babylonian housing is about - 4.5 NIS, With an average price per square meter of the above 45,000 NIS. Babylonian housing rent prices, You will find that the average price per square meter is 87 NIS, And three-room apartment for rent at an average price of 6,500 NIS.

Apartments for sale in Bavli housing

Apartments for rent in Babylon housing

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