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Category Archives: Guide to buying an apartment.

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Life insurance and in taking a mortgage

Mortgage insurance mortgage insurance is designed to ensure the bank repayment of the loan money in case of disaster. Insurance consists of two parts / chapters policy. Life insurance guarantees the repayment of the bank loan balance Gd forbid death case. and building insurance ...
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Apartment / property renovation

Guidelines on renovating the apartment or property – renovation of affordable minimum maximum. Renovating an apartment or other property must not become an uncontrollable financial expenditure, So if he prepares properly. A technical specification made by an engineer or architect ...
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Buying an apartment from a contractor – part 2

Buying an apartment from a contractor - questions and answers Two lawyers take part in a real estate transaction for a new apartment: a lawyer on behalf of the contractor and a lawyer on behalf of the buyer of the apartment. It is important to note that the contractor's lawyer cannot represent faithfully in Maa A ...
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Buying an apartment from a contractor – part 1

Did you buy a condo Builder? Apartments contractors represented by lawyers with experience. The contracts they offer customers to purchase the apartment are formulated, Naturally, For the benefit of contractors. The lack of experience of a home buyer will leave him p ...
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Choosing a Tel Aviv real estate lawyer - h...

Choosing a lawyer real estate transaction is the most important choice. Many tend to postpone the election for a second lawyer right deal then rise very ideas "creative" a distant relative, A lawyer who helped friends in Gir ...
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Selecting an attorney Tel Aviv real estate part 2

Can any lawyer "close" a real estate transaction? The field of real estate is for some reason perceived as a field that does not require much knowledge, So many lawyers taking their real estate transaction. The problem is that their good will is not always what ...
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Real estate tax guide

Guide to Real Estate Taxation 20201 For your convenience
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Guide to buying an apartment.

The article quoted below ask for basic information about buying and selling apartments in Israel. The Guide to buying an apartment., Property - Things to know! Obviously you are not familiar with the details of a contract to buy an apartment as a real estate lawyer, but ...
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Buy an apartment without getting hurt.

Concentrate on buying an apartment., What could already be? "In the worst case, you will find that the apartment you just bought - in fact, Not yours. ". About bad dreams of any average citizen., As I am – like, who decided to leave ...
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